Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9 Days Clean...time to add the exercise!!

Well...I managed to get through the weekend with PERFECT eating...so I feel great about myself! I even passed on ALL the munchies and drinks at a social event...which was hard to do cuz they had a few of my old fav's there! I drank my bottle of water, and chewed my sugar-free gum, and just stayed away from the table! Amazing how many people notice...and feel the need to comment...about the fact that I chose NOT to eat any SHIT!!! Anyways, I feel I have this food thing kinda down now! So I really need to work on adding the exercise in the mix too so I can increase my losses, and tighten everything up at the same time as I shed the pounds! I thought I was gonna start yesterday...but things got busy and I didn't! Then this morning started with an arguement with hubby (nothing too serious)...but I was pissed, and decided not to workout today either! Not sure why...but it is what it is! So I need to start tomorrow for sure! No excuses! Time is gonna pass me by, and I need to reach my goals! Time to start my 30 day shred...and my couch 2 5k program! Wanna look good out there jogging when the weather permits me to do it outside ya know!!!


  1. way to go on the not caving to peer pressure thing. WHy is it...the older we get the more people try to convince us that we can just relax and enjoy one drink or a bit of junk food. I always tell them that enjoying that one thing becomes an everyday thing and I end up like this...that usually makes it so that you can hear crickets...a little awkward but it shuts them up and they don't bug you again :) Throw it right back at them :) Of course you're skinny now so it might not work as well LOL. But I swear if you make it so they feel stupid for trying to sabatoge you (even if they don't realize they are) it really makes them stop.

  2. Awesome attitude!! No need to put that wonderfully tasty but horribly bad for you crap in your body. Yes it tastes good for like 60 seconds but it takes a lot longer than that to burn off the fattening crap.

  3. Yeah, I've been kind of wondering that myself. It's like no one noticed what I ate or commented when I was scarfing down a burger... but if I have a yummy salad or have 5-6 snack meals a day all of a sudden they have lots to say. And the worst is when they come in your office offering you cookies or donuts or candy... it's like YOU KNOW I don't want it. Get that yucky outta my face!

    Way to go girl! keep us updated on how you feel after you get a few work outs. I do aqua aerobics and interval training on the bike. Looking for a few more things to spice it up.

  4. CONGRATS!! Like Tosca says.. weight loss is 80% nutrition, 10% genetics and 10% exercise. EAT RIGHT!! :o) LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU THIS MONTH!!!
