Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3 Days til Weigh-in!!!

Gotta admit...I'm kinda excited about weigh-in! I've kinda inadvertantly used this month as a comparison! See...January I worked out hard, but ate kinda crappy! So now this month...I've eaten extremely clean (did have a couple little treats for my sanity), but couldn't find the time to get the exercise in! I wanna see the difference it makes on the scales! Then...next month it's my goal to do both...and REALLY see a HUGE difference! January I lost 5lbs...and I do believe I will reach my goal of 10 for this month...so put them together...and I should lose 15 next month!! Ye-haw!!!

Didn't work out this week so far...even though I had every intention to! I wiped out pretty badly and my knee is black and blue and swollen! The palm of my right hand is pretty badly gouged too! So I guess I take a few days to heal...but keep on track with food! That's why I thought...let's see the differrence betweeen good diet...and exercise!

I should be all healed up by Saturday...to begin the month where both aspects with play together! Feeling great about it! Can't wait to see my pics at the end of March...I should be 10 tiny lbs away from my goal!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!


  1. You are going to rock it next month for sure. And you've done awesome this month as well. Hopefully your knee and hand heal up fast and we can all start fresh next week together. Although I'm going to get a workout in tonight while watching BL!!! Even if it's the Wii fit step!!!

  2. You go girl! My hardest challenge is the eating. I need to be a lot better about it

  3. can't wait to see your results too! keep up the good work march should be a great month for you!!!

  4. Eating is THE MOST CRUCIAL thing...as you know if you work your butt off, but eat crappy, you're just sort of spinning your wheels. I'm so happy you got that down.
    Really hope your knee heals up soon...stay off it as much as you can, (hard to do when you are working).
    March is going to rock for all of us! Hooshaw, baby!
