Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not Doing So Well

I caved! I'm an emmotional eater, and things have gotten pretty stressful around here...and...I caved! No sense beating myself up over it...just gotta try to stop it before I gain weight because of it!

My husband and I own rental properties, and one of our tenants decided to get drunk (doesn't go well with his meds), and burn our house down! There is currently a warrant out for his arrest. That property housed him and 4 other tenants! Luckily nobody was hurt, but our house is not doing so well! The Fire Marshall hasn't even let us in happened 2 days ago! All the investigations and damage assessing has to be done before anyone can go in! So we've had to accomodate the other tenants out of our own pockets, and deal with insurance people, and upset tenants, etc, etc!!!!! Needless to's been VERY stressful around our house for the past 2 days! We've both had to take time off work to deal with this, which means no money coming in...but lots going out! I know it's not an excuse to crash...but I did! Not just with food! We both had a hot tub last night and got drunk together too! I know alcohol doesn't take your problems away...but it sure helped us to forget about them for just one night! I do feel guilty cuz this was supposed to be the week I got back into things, but now it looks like next week is! One day I'll have enough control of myself that things like this won't cause me to turn to my old crutch...FOOD!!! But for this time...I just didn't have the strength! Sorry to let you guys down!


  1. OMG you didn't let anyone down. People have caved for much less than what you are going through. Not that I'm telling you to continue but you needed a release and you found the one that worked for you. One day you'll figure out a way of dealing with stresses but this goes way beyond an everyday stress. Until that time don't feel guilty about it. Just do as you said and move on from it.
    As for your tenants don't they have rental insurance that covers when something like this happens. How come you guys have to pay for them? Or hell what about family can't they stay with family or friends of theirs.
    Either way it's a sucky thing you are having to go through and I hope it gets resolved sooner rather than later.
    Will your insurance reimburse you for the tenants' accomodations while the house is inhabitable?
    Hey I binged last night too maybe it was for you ;)

  2. Well, I've been eating way off my gluten-free/sugar-free I guess I'm right there with ya baby. And I feel like total crap because of it. Not mentally, just physically crappy. There is no sense feeling guilty about it. That just exacerbates things. Accept you ate off, then move on. Love ya baby!

    Hey Pam :o)

  3. OMG I would say you are justified in a hot tub and a glass of wine. You know what else is a great stress reliever? Working out. Seriously. Just jump rope for 30 minutes and you burn off to justify 2 glasses of red wine. Its a zero sum game but its better than a gain right?

  4. Oh Jacqui.. this just flat out SUCKS! So sorry you are dealing with this. Just remember that if you let this thing put weight back on you, you are giving your asshole tenant even more power. Screw him... don't let him destroy your hard work.
